Chatterbox pricing list
under 3 year olds
per hour
over 3 year olds
per hour
LATE collection of child
per 15 minutes
A fee is charged when a child is collected after the arranged times. This will be charged every 15 minutes after the arranged finished time
Hourly Rate £7.00
Hourly rate for under 3 year old’s and over 3 year old’s £7.00
Deposits and Refunds
Once you have been offered a place for your child, a £30.00 deposit secures it. This is refunded at the beginning of the Autumn
term. If the child doesn’t attend then Chatterbox will retain the £30.00 deposit. Fees will be calculated on a half termly basis and the invoice will be issued at the beginning of each half-term.
Bank Holidays are free of charge and will be taken off the invoice that month. There
are no refunds for holiday or sickness. If you are paying childcare fees and take your child away from Chatterbox during the year, half a term’s notice is required, otherwise fees are due for that period.
Late payment of Fees
Fees are payable by the date on the invoice sent to you by our Office Manager. Chatterbox reserves the right to charge interest under the Late Payment of Commercial debts (Interest) Act 1998 on invoiced amounts unpaid by the due date. This will be charged at the rate of £7.00 for each week the account is overdue. If you have any problems settling your accounts on time, please notify the Pre-School Manager or the Office Manager within 24 hours of receipt of your invoice.
Late collection of your child
A fee is charged when a child is collected after the arranged times; this will be a charge of £7.00 for every 15 minutes after the arranged finish time.
Minimum Attendance
Chatterbox Pre-School would prefer that children who attend use their full 15 grant funded hours with us.
Learning opportunites for adults
As well as gaining qualifications in early years care and education, Chatterbox staff take part in further training to help them to keep up-to-date with thinking about early years care and education. Chatterbox also keeps itself up-to-date with best practice in early years care and education. Parents are signposted to adult learning courses which may be of interest to them.