Chatterbox preschool daily routine involves activities that stretch your child’s mind designed to enhance their learning and development

9.00 – 9.10 ~ Arrival, welcome and self-registration

Children bringing their lunch with them can put their lunch boxes in the labelled lunch box outside the main door. A snack tray is also outside the main door for your child to put their snack in. If children stay after 3.00pm, their snack (in a named container) can be stored in the Owl club box. 

On arrival children will be greeted by a member of staff. They will be asked to find their own name badge and Velcro to a basket in the foyer.  Please encourage children to put their coat up themselves and stick their name to the basket so they know where to find their bits and pieces. When children are independent, it develops their self-esteem. 

9.10 ~ Wake up song and Makaton sign of the week.

We gather together and sing our hello and wake up song, we also learn a Makaton sign of the week 

9.10 – 9.20 ~ Key group planning time – time to talk

Planning is a process in which children learn to create and express intentions. Their key person supports children to plan what they wish to do. Children’s planning becomes increasingly  sophisticated as they become conversant with the process. Children spend quality time with their key person in order to build secure attachments and get to know the other children in their group. It also gives a sense of belonging, essential for well being. Children also have the opportunity to talk about stories of their everyday life.

9.20 ~ Doors open for outside free flow play

We encourage children to find and put on their own coats, offering support when needed. We have a motto, “It’s good to try!” We sing, “what is the weather today, what is the weather today, it’s a little bit sunny, rainy etc, a little bit sunny, that is the weather today.” 

At child-initiated play time children generate experiences – things to do – based upon their plans. Children are given time for trial and error, to generate new ideas, practice and succeed. Children have access to messy, imaginative play, construction, physical play and exploration.

The doors to the outside area are open for most of the session to enable children to take any learning they do inside into the outdoor area, and gain the experience of all forms of weather. Outdoor learning is essential to improve children’s health, well-being and their physical development as well as to support exploration and discovery of the world around them. It has been proven to promote communication, language and literacy development, reduce stress and improve behaviour. Through outdoor play, children learn about risks and challenges.

10.00 – 10.50 ~ Snack bar

We sing a song, “wash, wash, wash your hands, wash them nice and clean, wash them on top, wash them on bottom and fingers in between.”

Children are free to come to the snack table when they want to and have their snack without interrupting their play. Children self-register when they have their snack so we are able to encourage all children to access snack and drink to keep up energy levels and hydration. We will always ensure that the children have washed their hands before having their snack. The children are encouraged to chat about what they have been doing during the session, or about family and home life. We often provide exotic fruits and a variety of breads reflecting different cultures. Children will have the opportunity to taste a vegetable of the week. The children are encouraged to pour milk or water for themselves. The children are also encouraged to clear away their plates and cups. Later in the term, children have the opportunity to wash up and dry their cups and plates.

10.50 – 11.00 ~ Tidy up time

Children are given a warning using visuals and a 5 minute sand timer to announce that play will finish and we will then be tidying up.

ALL CHILDREN are encouraged to help to tidy up together. We play tidy up time tango which supports this transition.

11.00 – 11.10 ~ Adult Focused Activity large group time

During large group time children experience active learning collectively. All children and all adults engage in enjoyable shared experiences.  

Activities may include music and movement, group discussion, singing etc. To gather the children for circle time we sing, “move to the circle, moving to the beat, move to the circle, use your walking feet, move to the circle, be careful not to shout, and don’t forget then when you sit, to have a quiet mouth.”

11.45 – 11.55 ~ Story time

FLEDGLINGS: sit on the mat with adults to show we value story time. We use props to support listening skills. 

SEEDLINGS: play action songs with Lead Practitioner for the Seedlings and finish with a short story.

12.00 – 12.45 ~ Lunchtime

Chatterbox promotes healthy eating 

2.50 ~ Story time

FLEDGLINGS: sit on the mat with adults to show we value story time. We use props to support listening skills. 

SEEDLINGS: play action songs with Lead Practitioner for the Seedlings and finish with a short story.

3.00 ~ Home time

We sing – “Where is …, where is….

and the child responds – “Here I am, here I am”

Go and get your bag now
Do it on your own now
Then sit down, then sit down

Flexible Routine

Chatterbox offers a range of flexible start and finish times between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday term times only. 

Exciting learning opportunities

A consistent routine gives children a sense of security they need to make choices and risks, which opens the door to exciting learning opportunities 

Exceptional quality of care

Chatterbox offers an exceptional quality of care and has a higher adult to child ratio than the statutory requirement, enabling more quality interactions 

Inspirational leaders

Practitioners’ interactions with children are of extremely high quality. The leaders of the setting are inspirational.”